Amazon and Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA)

Expand to one of the worlds largest online market places - Amazon Japan

We can get you selling on one of the Japans largest online marketplaces

50 million people in Japan use Amazon to purchase. Selling on Amazon in Japan is an easy way to expand your sales to a large consumer base.

If you sell on Amazon currently, but need to expand to Japan, the process is relatively straight forward. Using your own Amazon Seller Central account, you can set up your Amazon Japan listings relatively quickly.

There are couple of things you may struggle with and we can help:

  • Importing into Japan - Customs in Japan won't allow you to import into Japan unless you have a Japanese based business that can take responsibility for customs fees and ensure compliance with customs laws. Importer of Record (IOR) is the term given to this intermediary. We can act as your intermediary when shipping products into Japan.
  • Managing Amazon Listings in Japanese - Having clear product descriptions and images that suit the context of a Japanese audience is important. It's not enough to simply rely on Google Translate or some automated translation service. Our team is able to learn about your product and provide the best, SEO optimised listings to ensure your products convert well.
  • Customer Support for Amazon Japan customers - You will eventually get enquiries from customers. You should be able to respond in a timely manner and provide accurate information. We provide monthly care packages to enable us to help you respond to customer enquiries

Amazon A+ Content

If you have your own brand, and want to create high quality listings, we recommend to use Amazons A+ Content feature. To use this in Japan, you need to register your brand with the Japanese Patent Office. We can help you with this process.

Product certification and testing

Certain categories of products will require testing and certification before been legally able to sell them in Japan. Products such as food, kitchen accessories, electrical, cosmetics, body products are restricted from import until you can prove they are safe.

We can help identify which products would require this before you begin importing. Work with our product certification team to get your product tested and certified.

Our add on services

In addition to our Amazon and Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA) services, we provide entire packages from importing products, photography, to getting them selling in Japan.

See our services here

Ready to work together and sell on Amazon in Japan?

Contact us

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