Exploring sense through incense

A sensual exploration for natural incense brand Subtle Bodies, we partnered with local ambient music curator, natural confectioner and photographers to exhibit the qualities of sense in a quaint Tokyo neighbourhood.

Single original, natural incense brand Subtle Bodies (Based in Melbourne and Los Angeles ) commissioned Forme Brand Office Tokyo to curate an exhibit of their finest natural incense.

The goal was to invite retailers and their buyers to experience the unique collection of wood incense sourced from around the world, as well as showcase Subtle Bodies latest incense holders.

Subtle Bodies single origin, natural incenses. No oils or perfumes, 100% pure wood incense.

We held the event in a relatively quiet part of Tokyo, Nishi-Oi - to better reflect the gentle atmosphere of Subtle Bodies natural incense. We worked with Kyoto and Tokyo based architecture firm Ambos to use their space which also served a cafe. During the event, to celebrate the single origin nature of the coffee, the Ambos barista selected a range of single origin roasts to serve visitors to the event.

For the sense of taste, we collaborated with natural, vegan, gluten free sweets artist Kashi Mizu from Fukuoka, (southern city of Japan) to create a pairing of sweets for each scent offered by Subtle Bodies.

Kashi Mizu's artisinal sweets.

We worked with Takashi Nakazawa, a Tokyo based ambient music curator and record shop owner (Haru no Ame) to create a flowing selection of ambient tracks that pair with each scent. Creating a relaxed vibe for visitors.

Takashi Nakazawa - Ambient music curator and record store owner in Tokyo. (image: Casa Brutus)

For the visual sense, French photographer Maxime Poiblanc in collaboration with Australian stylist Sonia Rentsch took a series of photos that conveyed Subtle Bodies atmosphere and mood. Their constraint was to not involve the product itself in the shoot, which resulted in a range of moody and dreamy shots. The prints, observed together with the ambient music and incense drew a sense of calm for visitors.

The event resulted in new and additional sales of Subtle Bodies through our partner retailers as well as new opportunities for collaborative exhibitions with local Japanese lifestyle brands. It also served as a educational piece for existing retailers, who took some of our ideas away to implement in their own spaces to increase the sales of Subtle Bodies in Japan.

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